Invariably, he keeps the refrigerator well stocked. 他总是把冰箱塞得满满的。
The shop is well stocked with goods of all kinds. 商店里各色货物,一应俱全。
The Harlequin romance section is always well stocked. 禾林出版社(Harlequin)的爱情小说专区总是库存充足的。
Even in the well stocked bunkers, all will not be well, as these site are well known and thus are likely to be targeted for looting. 即使在存物丰富的地堡里,一切并非安然无恙,因为这些地点是总所周知的,因而很可能成为劫掠的目标。
That was a new restaurant and well stocked. 那家饭馆开张不久,备货充足。
History is well stocked with bear markets that wiped out wealth on a vast scale ( see table). 历史上熊市使人瞬间一无所有的事例屡见不鲜(见上表)。
This library is well stocked with rare books. I must admit I am very fond of collecting rare Books. 这个图书馆藏有大量珍本书。我得承认我很喜欢海内珍本。
With comfortable sofas, a storage space for folding bicycles, a well stocked bar and a double decker observation deck, Paul's design turns a dream into a visual reality. “水星”内部有叔的沙收,有寄存折叠自行车的专门空间,酒品摆设齐全的吧台,甚至还有一个双层小甲板观景室,保罗的设计将英国人的下速梦酿成了视觉现实。
Students have a well-stocked library at their disposal. Our library has a large collection of books. 学生有一个藏书丰富的图书馆以供使用。我们图书馆的藏书很丰富。
Are you just an exceptionally talented actor, or was your prop department well stocked with dime bags? 这到底是因为你是个天才演员,还是说你的小公寓里真的藏着好几袋家伙?
A shop well stocked with the latest fashions. 备有各种最新款式的商店。
The bookstore is well stocked up with all kinds of books. 这家书店书的种类繁多。
Oh that closet is well stocked, huh? 噢,这个壁橱可装得真满,是吧?
Are first-aid kits well stocked& readily available on the factory floor? 是否急救工具箱在工厂每个楼层妥善保管且随时可以使用?
The mini bar was well stocked and prices of the drinks were the same as you would pay at the bar. 他迷你酒吧是鱼肉和价格的饮料都一样,当你付钱。
Shops are well stocked. 商店存货充足。
Transport Minister Dominique Bussereau told Europe-1 radio that highway gas stations were "well stocked throughout the country." 运输部长多米尼克布斯洛告诉欧洲1号广播高速公路加油站是“全国存货是充足的。”
Most US banks keep their staff areas well stocked with advertisements and leaflets. It is also the product for which David drafted a brochure during his first week at the company. 大多数美国银行在其营业处所备有大量的宣传广告和小册子。这也就是大卫进公司后的第一星期为之起草小册子的那项产品。
His head is well stocked with ideas. 他脑袋里主意很多。
Rivers well stocked with fish; a well-stocked store. 常年都有很多鱼的河流;储备过多的仓库。
Our camp is well stocked with everything we need for a short stay. 我们营中凡短期居留所需之物都有充分的储备。
The kitchen garden, now well stocked and carefully defended from the birds, was divided into small beds, where grew lettuces, kidney potatoes, sorrel, turnips, radishes, and other coneiferae. 现在菜园里出产丰富而且不怕鸟来,许多菜畦分种着莴苣、卵形马铃薯、酸模、芜菁、萝卜和其他十字花科的植物。
We make sure we're always well stocked up with candles just in case. 我们要确保时刻备足蜡烛,以防万一。
And Jun porcelain as a traditional porcelain art, is a well stocked book from the angel of its value, including its natural Kiln accidents and the idea of unity of heaven and human beings and is highlighted for special attention by Ceramic art over the world. 钧瓷,作为一种传统名瓷,它自然天成的窑变与‘天人合一’的思想境界,其文化价值是一本读不完的书,受到了世界陶瓷艺术界的重视。